Repligen CEO Tony Hunt Highlights ESG Success in 2022 Progress Report

15 November 2023 | Wednesday | News

Repligen Announces Publication of the Company’s 2022 Sustainability Report
Image Source | Public Domain | Repligen CEO Tony Hunt

Image Source | Public Domain | Repligen CEO Tony Hunt

Repligen Corporation (NASDAQ:RGEN), a life sciences company focused on bioprocessing technology leadership, today announced the digital publication of its 2022 Sustainability Report and related reporting index disclosures. Themed “Making an Impact”, the report highlights the company’s measurable progress across multiple environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives since its inaugural 2020 Sustainability Report, “Committed to Making a Difference”. Supporting the 2022 Sustainability Report is a Reporting Indexes document containing disclosures against the following frameworks: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), and Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosures (TCFD). See the Sustainability section of Repligen’s website for more information.

Tony Hunt, Chief Executive Officer at Repligen said, “Our initial Sustainability report published in 2021 elevated awareness in the company and prompted higher levels of action across the ESG spectrum. We saw strong ratings and rankings as a result and are pleased to share this next 2022 progress report, while continuing to work toward positively impacting some of our more challenging initiatives and collaboration-based goals.”

Dianne Heiler, Senior Director of Packaging and Head of Sustainability at Repligen said, “I’m proud to be part of the team at Repligen that is driving progress across multiple sustainability ambitions, with the full support and participation of our executive team and Board. As this report publishes, already we are expanding the scope of our efforts and will submit a commitment letter by year end 2023 to SBTi* to lower total GHG emissions in alignment with the latest climate science.”

Below are just a few of the 2022 Sustainability Report highlights. Report data is through year end 2022 unless otherwise noted.

Environmental impacts:

  • Reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity by 40% since year end 2020.
  • Transitioned to 100% renewable energy at 9 of 18 sites representing 75% of our global consumption.
  • Added Scope 3 emissions tracking and benchmarking for 9 of 15 GHG Protocol categories.

Social impacts:

  • Advanced workplace diversity:
    • New hires: In 2022, 41% of Manager level (Associate Director and above) new hires were Women (global), and 37% were People of Color (U.S.).
    • Overall: At year end 2022, 27% of Managers were Women, compared to 22% in 2020, and 26% of Managers were People of Color, compared to 20% in 2020.

Governance impacts:

  • Fortified our cybersecurity systems and protocols, implemented a Zero Trust framework.
  • Updated our charters and policies to maintain strong governance practices, including shareholder proxy access.

Survey participation:

  • In 2023, we completed our first CDP Climate survey and CDP Water survey, each for the year 2022.
  • In 2022, a pilot study of 12% our Tier 1 suppliers completed sustainability surveys by our request, to help build our Scope 3 emissions inventory. In addition, we completed over one dozen sustainability surveys by request of our customers.

*SBTi: Science Based Targets initiative

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