Healthcare Revolution: Medical Tourism and the American Dream

29 March 2023 | Wednesday | News

The 15th annual Healthcare Revolution (May 23, 2023), the largest confluence of thought leaders in the world of healthcare, self-funded employers, brokers, and healthcare leaders, has launched, and this time with thought-provoking and insightful discussions about how self-funded employers can leverage medical tourism to achieve great healthcare outcomes for their employees at a fraction of their current healthcare spend.
Image Source : Public Domain

Image Source : Public Domain

This year's Healthcare Revolution is about the failings of the American Dream with rising and unsustainable healthcare costs, and how employers can navigate the unending opportunities of medical travel.

U.S. healthcare for Americans has now become a luxury and far from the reach of many. In the past the majority of bad debt from healthcare was from the uninsured. Now, in America 58% of bad debt comes from healthcare expenses from people covered by insurance but unable to pay their deductibles, co-insurance and out of pocket expenses. The 2022 Kaiser Family Foundation's Health Care Debt Survey found that eight of 10 adults had health care debt and 5 in 10 of adults without health care debt reported skipping or delaying treatment due to cost in the prior 12 months.

Employers and employees alike are struggling to pay for healthcare. 

Annual premiums for employer-sponsored family coverage, according to 2022 Employer Health Benefits Survey by KFF, has reached $22,463, with workers paying $6,106 of this and employers paying the rest. This is up by more than 40 percent since 2012, when annual premium for employer-sponsored family health coverage was £16,351.

But with inflation eating away at employee earnings, healthcare costs have become too expensive for most American households, with many skipping prescriptions and treatments, or avoiding medical care altogether to prevent running into financial debt.

With these distressing data getting worse with each month, self-funded employers have to take the reins and determine how to shift their healthcare spending for optimal outcomes. This years' conference is the game changer for health payers lost in the sea of America's broken healthcare system and looking for a way to the shore.

The Healthcare Revolution assembles some of the most renowned leaders in self-funded healthcare and well-being.

Learn from self-funded employers who have keyed into medical tourism and pharmacy tourism and scored big time, and how this is leading to huge cost savings running into millions of dollars every year, and improved care outcomes for their employees.

Case studies will be presented by employers who send employees abroad for expensive medical procedures and prescription drugs and whose employees now prefer to receive fast world class healthcare abroad rather than locally.

The employer speakers this year will help break down the barriers and objections that hold back greater adoption of this as an employee benefit. Employers and employee benefits consultants will be given a clear roadmap on how to implement medical travel while providing incentives to employees (waiving deductibles, co-insurance, out of pocket expenses and providing employees thousands in cash, while freeing employees from medical debt, and at a fraction of the U.S. costs.

You will also learn from healthcare leaders from various medical travel destinations, such as Korea, Costa Rica, and Panama, are transforming medical care and advancing the art and science of medicine through ground-breaking innovations.

For the first time, Healthcare Revolution is creating an exclusive audience of the largest network of self-funded employers, employee benefits consultants, insurers, TPAs, and plan sponsors to learn the myriad of opportunities that medical tourism holds.

"Employers and Employees are a breaking point. Nothing is working. It's time to evolve and embrace new solutions like medical tourism", said Jonathan Edelheit, CEO of Global Healthcare Resources and Medical Tourism Association.

Our array of speakers will break down the constructs around medical travel, educating participants on the propaganda against medical travel destinations, and how the facts state clearly that medical tourism is expanding healthcare and saving costs for U.S. self-funded employers that have keyed into it.

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Sneak Peek at Some of this Year's Speakers

Tim Isenhower
Tim Isenhower, one of our speakers, is Director of Benefits at HSM Solutions and has worked with HSM and managed their self-funded insurance program for nearly three decades now. Managing a self-insured health plan through the 90's to today has provided him the opportunity to think out of the box for reduced healthcare cost programs including direct contracting, on-site clinics, and medical tourism, becoming one of pioneers in self-funded companies offering medical tourism.

Dr. Ray Bowman
Dr. Ray Bowman is currently the SVP for Talent and Team Development at MarineMax, the world's largest boat and yacht retailer spanning thirty states and three continents. He oversees all Executive Coaching at MarineMax and finds, individualizes, and expands all health plan-related benefits. He is also the President of the MaxHealthPlan Solutions (MHS) initiative based upon his development of the innovative MarineMax health care plan. MHS provides FREE consultation to self-funded companies who want to contain health plan costs while increasing employee benefits.

Wade Larson
Dr. Wade Larson is the Chief Human Resources Officer for Wagstaff, Inc. and President of Optimal Talent Dynamics, a consulting group centered around leadership, healthcare, and HR success. Dr. Wade has worked with hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals as a leadership and workforce consultant to improve processes and optimize performance. As an international speaker, author, trainer, and adjunct professor, he believes that healthcare reform is personal and Larson challenges leaders to transform their organizations and communities to achieve success with their healthcare strategies.


This event is not for employers, insurers, and business leaders that are satisfied with the broken healthcare system in America, or those who enjoy rate increases, spikes in premiums and out-of-pocket expenses for their members; neither is it for business leaders and brokers that are too timid to lead a shift and see concrete changes in their healthcare costs. The event is only for those who are ready to leap forward and take risks through uncharted waters to achieve unrivaled results.

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