Overcoming Solid Tumor Treatment Hurdles With mRNA-based CAR T-cells

In contrast to the success of CAR T-cell therapies in liquid cancers, development for the treatment of solid tumors, including glioblastoma, has progressed...

May 23, 2023 | Tuesday | News
Why Use Fluorescent Probes in Your In Vivo Imaging Studies

Key Advantages of Using In Vivo Fluorescence Imaging Non-invasive approach In vivo fluorescence imaging is a non-invasive technique that uses light to vi...

May 16, 2023 | Tuesday | News
6 Factors for Improving Cell Counting Results

To help address these challenges, the cell counting experts at Nexcelom, now part of PerkinElmer, have identified six key points to increase the confidence...

May 09, 2023 | Tuesday | Opinion
Unleashing The Potential of Immunology To Improve Public Health

Largely driven by increasing incidence of chronic and infectious diseases and growth in biotechnology and pharma industries, the global immunoassay market ...

May 05, 2023 | Friday | News
Could Tumoroids Solve the Problem of High Attrition in Cancer Trials?

There is growing recognition that the experimental model systems used in many cancer research projects, which include 2D cell cultures, patient-derived xen...

May 01, 2023 | Monday | News
How CRISPR Is Changing Cancer Research and Treatment

But a game-changer occurred in 2013, when several researchers showed that a gene-editing tool called CRISPR could alter the DNA of human cells like a v...

April 27, 2023 | Thursday | News
Mass Spectrometry Explained: How LC/MS/MS Works

Triple quadrupole mass spectrometers (LC/MS/MS) are established in labs dealing with challenging matrices, as they offer very low detection limits with spe...

April 25, 2023 | Tuesday | News
Trust Your Gut: Balancing the Microbiome for Better Health

A balanced microbiome plays an important role in maintaining human health by promoting protective immune responses and limiting excessive inflammation. But...

April 25, 2023 | Tuesday | News
Overcoming Challenges in CHO Host Cell Protein Detection and Quantification

Regulatory authorities such as the FDA therefore require manufacturers to monitor and demonstrate HCP clearance, and to report the amount of HCP impurities...

April 21, 2023 | Friday | News
Top 3 Ways to Make Your Lab More Sustainable

Think Circular Economy The concept of the circular economy involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling ...

April 21, 2023 | Friday | News
Overcoming Throughput, Standardization, And Analysis Challenges for Human Midbrain Organoids

Organoids also hold advantages over animal models, which inherently possess species-dependent differences and can be logistically and ethically challenging...

April 17, 2023 | Monday | News
Researchers Identify Novel Immunotherapeutic Compound Targeting Key Cancer Pathway

Under normal circumstances, interactions between PD-1 and its ligand PD-L1 can halt or limit the immune system’s response to human cells and suppress...

April 09, 2023 | Sunday | News
Q&A About Europe’s New In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation (IVDR)

As product performance and patient safety are central to our values, PerkinElmer is fully prepared to comply with this important transition. If you are a ...

April 09, 2023 | Sunday | News
Morphological Profiling: A Scalable Approach to Monitor Immune Cell Activity

Conventional high-content screening experiments typically focus on extracting imaging data relating to predefined, specific features to identify drugs or d...

April 09, 2023 | Sunday | News

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