Clover Assistant Significantly Improves Early Chronic Kidney Disease Identification & Management

02 August 2023 | Wednesday | News

Retrospective data analysis covering seven thousand patients and over two thousand primary care providers finds clinicians using Clover Assistant identify and treat CKD Stage 3 earlier in its progression, changing the trajectory of illness. Results were the same even when restricting analysis to the same provider before and after their adoption of Clover Assistant.
Image Source | Public Domain

Image Source | Public Domain

Clover Health (“Clover” or “the Company”) issued an analysis titled Clover Assistant Use and Diagnosis and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease, which examines the association between use of the company’s flagship technology product, Clover Assistant (“CA”), and earlier physician identification and management of stage three chronic kidney disease (“CKD”).

“Our findings demonstrate that use of Clover Assistant supports earlier diagnosis and management of chronic disease,” said Dr. Kumar Dharmarajan, Chief Medical Officer of Clover Assistant. “Importantly, we’re seeing that when doctors use Clover Assistant, not only is CKD diagnosed earlier in its progression, but the rate of kidney decline decelerates. While chronic deterioration of kidney function cannot be reversed, any deceleration delays CKD complications like heart attacks and strokes, and reduces health costs. We’re using technology in a scalable way to positively influence physician behavior and improve lives.”

“To reduce any potential for bias, the analysis leverages data from the same physician cohort before and after their adoption of Clover Assistant. By removing this variable, we can confidently ascertain that the disease identification models within Clover Assistant are catalysts for improved disease management,” added Peter Loscutoff, Data Science Fellow at Clover.

“Clover Assistant helps me manage my patients’ CKD earlier. I find that when using it with my Clover patients, I am ordering CKD-related tests like parathyroid hormone (PTH) sooner, which then allows me to manage the condition and its complications earlier,” said Dr. Amr Kahf of The Armor Medical Group, in Haledon, New Jersey.

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