20 April 2023 | Thursday | News
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"We are pleased to add CUVRIOR to the list of PANTHERx® medications. The PANTHERx team works hard to make a positive difference in the lives of our patients who are dealing with devastating and debilitating diseases and CUVRIOR is yet another way we can make an impact," said Rob Snyder, president of PANTHERx® Rare.
Wilson Disease is a rare genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the ATP7B gene, resulting in the accumulation of copper throughout the body. Copper deposits in the body lead to a wide array of symptoms including, but not limited to tremors, anxiety, jaundice due to liver injury, and Kayser-Fleischer rings (brown rings in the corneas of the eyes). Untreated, Wilson Disease can be fatal. Serious complications include problems with the liver, kidneys, neurological (e.g., tremors, clumsy gait, speech difficulties), psychological (e.g., depression, psychosis) and blood problems (anemia, jaundice).
CUVRIOR is an innovative oral formulation of the active ingredient trientine created by Orphalan to treat adult patients with stable Wilson Disease who have already been de-coppered. CUVRIOR works by chelating copper in the body to decrease copper absorption and increase urinary copper excretion. In clinical trials, CUVRIOR was found to be well tolerated and non-inferior to penicillamine in reducing non-ceruloplasmin copper (NCC) levels in Wilson Disease patients.
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